How to Recover From a D & C
Stay in the recovery room for about an hour after your surgery. This will help you become fully awake after the anesthesia. Pay attention to the recovery room nurses' instructions.
Do not drive for at least 24 hours after your procedure. Make arrangements for someone to drive you home from the surgery location. You are not legally allowed to drive for the first 24 hours following any surgical procedure.
Take ibuprofen or naproxen for any pain you may have, including pain from cramps. Doctors do not normally prescribe anything stronger. Your physician will give you a prescription for any medication he wants you to take after surgery.
Call your doctor is you have a fever, pain that can not be relieved by the over-the-counter drugs, extended bleeding such as longer than 6 hours, or a bad smell coming from your vagina.
Refrain from intercourse for at least two weeks after the surgery. This will help you heal properly and keep bacteria, which can cause an infection, from getting into your uterus.
Do not insert tampons into your vagina for bleeding.
Return to your doctor for your follow-up visit at the designated time.