How to Scratch a Leg in a Cast
Keep things out of cast that could itch. This includes anything from poison ivy to other common skin irritants.
Use a hair dryer. Place the setting on cold or cool. Blow air into the cast near the affected area. This will soothe the skin.
Use Benadryl around the edge of the cast.
Rub the skin around the cast. It is unwise to place anything inside the cast, including your fingers. Pinch the skin several times around the cast. Then rub it and this will distract the itch.
Go to the pharmacy or medical supply store near you. There are a line of sprays for casts that can alleviate the itch. This step should only be followed after asking your doctor first.
Rub rubbing alcohol around the edge of the cast on your skin. The alcohol can't go inside the cast so be careful and use a cotton swab.