How to Prepare an Infant for Surgery

It's difficult to watch anyone you love go through surgery, but it's especially tough when it's your baby. With so many surgeries performed on infants, it is necessary for parents to understand how to best prepare them. From simple to complex surgeries, the preparation is mainly the same.


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      Follow your doctor's and surgery center's instructions. This means any instructions on eating or drinking, what to wear, what medications to give or anything else noted. Call the doctor with any questions or for clarification about the surgery.

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      Don't show nervousness around the child. Being in a hospital is stressful for the infant, so try to stay as strong and positive as possible for your child's sake.

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      Have items on hand to soothe the baby. A favorite toy provides comfort and can usually go back into surgery with the child usually. A pacifier can relieve hunger before the surgery.

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      Bring a bottle and formula or juice for post-surgery. Being prepared with the bottle your child is used to will make recovery easier for the baby.

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      Pack extra clothes for post-surgery. Simply smelling your home's smell can provide relief for the child, and make them more comfortable.

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      Expect the child to be agitated coming out of anesthesia. This is extremely common, and causes many parents stress if they aren't prepared for it.

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      Trust the doctors caring for the infant. Know that they are doing their best, and doing what they believe is best for the child. They are there to help both the parents and the child.

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