How to Recover From an Episiotomy
Recover from an Episiotomy
Be prepared for the possibility of a long recovery. The amount of time it takes to heal from an episiotomy varies from one woman to the next. It may take up to two months to feel relief from pain. This will also depend on how deep or long the cut is.
Control swelling of the area with ice packs while you recover. This will also help to reduce the pain. At home, you can even use bags of frozen peas.
Know that bowel movements may be difficult and painful for the first few days. Don't force as this may affect the stitches and cause bleeding. Take a stool softener to solve this problem.
Be prepared, also, for the possibility of incontinence. This happens because the perineum, the muscle between the vagina and anus, has been weakened. When you are fully healed, try doing Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles.
Wipe using any cleansing materials given by your doctor. Use this especially after every urination and bowel movement. Also use any antiseptic sprays you may have received.
Sit in a sitz bath to ease pain and discomfort. The water should be lukewarm and at a very shallow level.
Avoid intercourse for at least 6 weeks, or until your doctor says it is O.K. Wait for your wound to heal properly to avoid complications.
Refrain from lifting heavy things, because the strain could break the stitches and cause bleeding; let someone else do that. Avoid vigorous activity also, for the same reason. Make a preference for slow and gentle movement.
Keep your post-natal sixth-week appointment with your doctor. In addition to your post-natal checkup, your doctor will want to check that you are healing well or that you are completely healed.
Use supportive devices, like a donut, for more comfort when sitting as you recover. Sit in chairs that are easy to get out off to minimize strain.