How to Prepare for Herniated Disk Surgery
Talk to your orthopedic surgeon and her nurse. Get all your questions answered. Don't be afraid to nag. Find out everything you need to know about your operation so you feel comfortable and prepared.
Follow the specific preoperative checklist given to you by your surgeon.
Stop smoking 24 hours before your surgery.
Restrict what you eat and drink. For most surgeries, patients are asked to eat and drink nothing after 8 p.m. the night before their surgery. Your surgeon will tell you what specific restrictions apply in your case.
Wash your back. Many times, you will be asked to thoroughly scrub your back with a special antimicrobial soap solution the day before surgery. Usually your surgeon will give you the cleansing solution she wants you to use.
Rest before your surgery. Don't try to get all your chores done before your operation. You want to reduce the stress on your back, even as you prepare for surgery.
Move your bowels. The week before your surgery, eat lots of high-fiber foods and fruits and vegetables, as much as 50 to 75 percent of your diet. Take a high-bulk laxative if necessary. Surgery makes bowels sluggish. You will not be able to get up and down to the bathroom for a few days. Straining to move your bowels is not healthy, before or after your operation.
Remove your nail polish the night before surgery. The surgical staff will need to check your circulation by looking at your nail beds.
Remove all jewelry, except your wedding band unless it is tight. Your hands may swell a bit during and after surgery. If your ring is snug before surgery, it may cut into your finger and be difficult to remove even after the tiniest amount of postoperative swelling.
Practice breathing deeply from your diaphragm. After surgery, you will be asked to do deep breathing exercises. You may also be asked to place a pillow over your abdomen and cough three or four times. These exercises help keep your lungs clear and free of fluid.
Familiarize yourself with how to logroll. After many types of back surgery, patients are asked to turn their bodies from side to side without twisting the back. This keeps the spine in alignment and allows the back to heal. Your surgeon will tell you if your surgery requires that you logroll.
Sign your surgical consent form.
Know what time you are supposed to be at the hospital. Even though your surgery may be scheduled for 9 a.m., you may be expected to sign in at 7 a.m.
Know what you are allergic to and tell your surgeon and anesthetist.
Take your sleeping pill, if it is ordered, the night before surgery.
Relax. Mental stress aggravates the body.
Think positively. After months, or possibly years, of unrelenting back spasm and pain, disk surgery may make you pain-free again.